Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How can I access a Windows partition from linux?

I am running Ubuntu and XP dual boot on my laptop. I am able to access my Linux partition from windows using software from the internet. How can I access my window partition from Ubuntu?

How can I access a Windows partition from linux?
Go here (Starter Guide)

go to section 1.15 windows. Just follow the directions

Remember to bookmark this page. As you will find most of your answers here. If not ask your questions at or http:/
Reply:This website provides a guide on just what you are asking for:

Note that Windows XP uses the NTFS file system (partition type, in other words), so you can ignore any FAT32 partition type instructions. FAT32 was used in older versions of Windows.

It seems as though Linux has difficulty dealing with writing to NTFS partitions. If you plan on creating/writing files to the NTFS partition, you will have to use additional software. This website provides an installation guide of the ntfs-3g software:

The ntfs-3g software can be found at:

To be honest with you, this is no small undertaking, and I have not attempted this myself.

Hope this helps!
Reply:To access NTFS partitions from Linux you can use this tool:

Here's review from PCmag:,1895,185...

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