Monday, July 13, 2009

What should be the next step in configuring a Linux Somba Server?

I have a project for my school that I have to install Linux Somba Server on two computers and then connect them creating a network. I have set up the computers (Connected the power, mainframe, keyboards, mice, and monitors). I am about to install Linux on the two computers. Are there any configurations that should be done during the setup?

What should be the next step in configuring a Linux Somba Server?
That depends on which Linux distribution you're using, but most will set Samba up for you right out of the box.

Here is some info for Ubuntu:
Reply:After linux has been installed these are some of the steps

you will need to take.

1. be sure that samba is "active",that it is running when the system boots. As root enter: "chkconfig samba on",

alternately you can add these commands

/etc/init.d/smbd start

/etc/init.d/nmbd start

to the local boot file,under redhat this is (I believe)


and under SUsE it is /etc/init.d/boot.local

with other distros this varies a lot,on slackware its


After it is running and started,then you will need to add

userids to samba with

the smbpasswd program. Alternately,

it is possible to tie in samba logins with either Active Directory (windows user management) or LDAP (linux shared user management) but that is a fancier multi-user ,big site setup.

For just two users and two computers ,stick with just

smbpasswd,normally in the regular root path.

(typically /usr/bin/smbpasswd)

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